Courtney Smith

Functional Patterns Chattanooga owner and trainer, Courtney Smith

Courtney Smith, Owner

FP Certified Human Biomechanics Specialist 2


Growing up, I felt totally disconnected from my body. I spent many years struggling with fluctuating weight, depression, and chronic fatigue. I often felt like the weakest person in the room and had so much anxiety around my ability to perform physically. When I was 19, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I got into weightlifting initially because I thought it could make me stronger and build my confidence. I developed a love for it and also started exploring other movement practices such as calisthenics, yoga, parkour, and gymnastics.

When I noticed other people in the gym not making any progress for months and months, I decided I wanted to start personal training to help others on their fitness journeys. Over time, however, I was in more and more pain after my workouts, and I just didn’t know why. I was finding that my clients were also in pain and the traditional physical therapy exercises I was taught didn’t offer us much relief.

I started to search for a missing link.

I found Functional Patterns through founder Naudi Aguilar’s Youtube channel and began using his exercise modifications both with myself and my clients. We saw major decreases in the level of pain we were experiencing. As I dove deeper into Naudi’s work, everything clicked– it finally felt like I had a blueprint of how the human body is supposed to move and how to train in a way that supports our evolutionary design.

In 2019, I became a certified Functional Patterns Human Foundations Practitioner, and in 2020 I became certified as a Human Biomechanics Specialist. I opened our Vance Ave. gym in early 2023 as a dedicated FP training facility.

Functional Patterns allowed me to heal the pain I was in and completely transformed my mental health. I now feel at home in my body and confident of my athletic abilities. I believe everyone deserves to experience the freedom that comes with being healthy and feeling great in your body.