Educational Classes

Learn more about Functional Patterns unique approach to healing chronic pain. Offered in partnership with The Chattery, our educational classes cover a variety of topics that help you better understand how functional training and optimal lifestyle work together to address pain at its source.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga owner & trainer, Courtney Smith demonstrating myofascial massage

Beginner Myofascial Release: Self Massage for Pain Relief

In this class, you’ll be introduced to the network of connective fibers in your body called fascia. The health of your fascia determines your posture, the way your muscles move, and even influences your overall mood! We’ll demonstrate the simple techniques you can use to care for these tissues as a foundational part of easing chronic joint pain and improving your quality of life.

Core Training for Pain Relief

Core stability plays a crucial role in aligning your whole body. This interactive training class is focused on understanding how the lower abs and glutes work to support the spine and help you move efficiently. We’ll cover our most recommended core training techniques that can be done at home with minimal equipment to help alleviate hip, back, knee, and neck pain.

Minimizing Inflammation: Strategies for Optimal Health

Inflammation from improper diet, environmental toxins, and circadian rhythm disruption stresses our bodies and prevents them from fully healing. Learn more about these sources of chronic inflammation and how you can minimize them for improved energy levels, weight loss, and pain relief.

Pillars of Pain-Free Posture

A “neutral” spine position is the basis of joint alignment and pain-free movement. This spine-focused class will cover the myofascial release points, proper core engagement, and breathing techniques that support a neutral spine. If you struggle with posture, you’ll leave this class with a fundamental understanding of these pillars that you can start applying right away for less pain in your daily life.

Custom Private Classes

We are excited to introduce the option to customize your own private educational class. If you and a few friends wish to learn about Anti-inflammatory Nutrition, we can set you up with a private appointment. If a group of coworkers need to learn specific MFR (self-massage) techniques that apply to your profession, we can customize a class for your needs.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga custom private classes

Frequently Asked Questions

How is myofascial release different from stretching?

While stretching lengthens tissues, the stickiness or adhesions in the fascia can only be released via sustained pressure techniques, such as those we will teach you in this course!

I already get massages, why learn myofascial release?

Massages are great, but our aim is to teach you techniques you can do at home to keep your body healthy on your own. Fascia is constantly changing and reorganizing itself, so with MFR in your toolbelt, you’re able to give your body what it’s needing on a day to day basis.

I'm completely new to my health & wellness journey, can myofascial release help me?

Yes! MFR is a great place to start to know your body from the inside out. Anyone and everyone can learn the techniques we’ll cover in this class to get to know their body better and start seeing improvements in their pain and energy levels.

Are there any contraindications for myofascial release?

MFR should be very strategic in instances of extremer hypermobility or Ehlers-danlos syndrome. In these cases I would suggest attending our Posture for Pain Relief Class as an alternative.

How is Functional Patterns different from physical therapy?

Traditional physical therapy methods take an isolated approach to training the body, oftentimes utilizing generic, cookie-cutter exercises and single-joint movements. The method we employ (Functional Patterns) is an integrated approach that always considers the body as a system. As a result of this integrated approach, the structural changes we make on the body tend to last.

I'm completely new to my health & wellness journey, how will posture Training benefit me?

Balanced standing posture is the foundation of good health. Achieving symmetry in your posture (and movement) will prevent pain, increase movement efficiency, and prepare your body to lift objects or safely take on the impacts of life.