Visual Results

Shoulder & Neck Pain Result

Spencer came to me at age 31, looking for a real solution to his chronic pain through his right shoulder and into his neck, which caused intense headaches and made his life miserable. He had been dealing with this pain for over 6 years, but the pain was exacerbated 5 years ago when he fell through a roof while working construction. He complained he was unable to breathe into his ribs (especially on the right side) which always made him feel like he was choking for air. Most days, he was sitting at a 7 on the pain scale.

He had seen specialists, gone through Physical Therapy, traditional and non-traditional forms of chiropractic, and different types of massage. His job in construction exacerbated the pain and made true recovery seem impossible. He was relying on drugs to ease the pain.

The first photo was taken in March 2022, at age 31. The second photo was taken in April 2023 at age 32. We trained consistently for 1 session per week. After the first month of training, his pain levels decreased significantly, and he learned to use myofascial release to mitigate any flares in pain. By the sixth month of training, he had discontinued his drug use and chose to rely only on myofascial release. He is now pain-free 99% of the time and has no issues getting through a day of work. He reports having an impressively increased capacity for breathing.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga results shoulder & neck pain - front view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results shoulder & neck pain - rear view

Chronic Neck Pain & Posture Result

This client came to me with chronic neck and shoulder pain due to multiple whiplash injuries. She spent years trying Rolfing and chiropractic with minimal results. This neck pain was affecting her sleep and her ability to be as active as she likes.

We trained online for 22 months, once per week. She felt significant pain relief after the first month of training, but continued training to increase muscle mass and improve her posture to better support her neck. She is pain-free and has the tools to address any minor issues that may come up in the future. She has been able to resume her normal physical activities (running, hiking) without issue.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga results neck and posture - front view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results neck and posture - side view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results neck and posture - rear view

1 Year Post-Stroke Gait Cycle Improvements

Laura suffered an ischemic stroke in September 2022 when she was 37 years old. This resulted in paralysis of her right side and aphasia.

She came to see me 7 months after the stroke, and she was dealing with frustration and a lack of confidence in her movement. When we started training, she experienced severe fatigue after the simplest movements and had trouble coordinating multiple cues at a time.

She is now 38 and can live life fully with more confident movement. We have been training for one year and she is experiencing improved coordination when walking, more confidence in her balance, and improvements in right-sided muscle function. She also has an improved capacity for the high mental demands of Functional Patterns training.

“My primary challenge was that I couldn’t really walk straight, especially at the beginning. It made me feel like I might fall. Another person working with Courtney told me about the training, and once I started I was hooked. After a few months, I could walk much straighter than I thought I would, and this is all due to Courtney and my sessions.

I can walk much straighter now because of the training. My life has improved tremendously and I plan to continue the training. I am motivated and looking forward to my session every week, and I would recommend this training to anyone who can put in the effort!”

Chronic Pain & Structure Result

This client came to me with severe back, and neck pain due to scoliosis and pectus excavatum. She was also dealing with intermittent SI joint impingement from her pregnancy. The pain from her scoliosis worsened during pregnancy, even with regular chiropractic visits. She wasn’t sure what she could do that might improve her situation, because traditional strength training had very limited results. She was unable to maintain a healthy body weight and muscle mass.

After 8 months of training her she was 99% pain-free. After 2 years of training she had gained about 25 lbs.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga results pain & structure - front view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results pain & structure - side view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results pain & structure - rear view

Weight Loss & Back Pain Result

Client came to me initially for help with weight loss, while hoping to not aggravate an old spinal injury along with lumbar spondylolisthesis.

We have made great progress with the weight loss while building functional muscle and improving her spondylolisthesis. Her back pain diminished within the first month of training and continues to be a rare occurrence due to the increase in core strength. She is much more active than she was before our training together and continues to progress and handle the movement challenges I put forth in our training.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga results weight loss & back pain - front view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results weight loss & back pain - side view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results weight loss & back pain - side view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results weight loss & back pain - rear view

1 Year Movement Gains

Client came to me suffering from chronic back pain due to a lateral disc herniation. She had very little core stability and lacked confidence and coordination in her movement.

After one year, she has notable improvements in full-body coordination and is living pain-free.

Chronic Neck & Back Pain Result

Sarah started training with me in November 2023, when she was 32 years old. She’s a mother of 3 kids, and her issues started during the first pregnancy; since then, she’s been dealing with lower back and neck pain, with neck pain being the worst.

She rated her neck pain as a 7-8/10 and has been chronic for the past 6 years. Her lower back pain was around 6-7/10. She would constantly get neck cricks that would cause sharp pain and loss of range of motion. This would happen when picking up her kids or the laundry bin. She would also suffer from migraines weekly. She’s been wanting to try for another kid but had fears that the pain issues would only get worse. She also noticed her posture worsening and forming an exaggerated “S” curve due to kyphosis and lordosis.

She’s been training with me for the last 6 months, 2x a week for 31 sessions. Her progress photos are from May 2024. She no longer experiences migraines, her back and neck pain are a 0/10, and she’s no longer afraid of lifting items or her growing kids. She’s back to playing pickleball and enjoying life without fear of hurting herself. She’s looking forward to having another kid and is committed to training throughout her pregnancy. Her posture has improved; there’s better joint stacking and better core activation. On the treadmill, she is more forceful and can sprint much easier.

Functional Patterns Chattanooga results chronic neck and back pain - front view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results chronic neck and back pain - side view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results chronic neck and back pain - rear view
Functional Patterns Chattanooga results chronic neck and back pain - side view